Just plug in the Offee hardware device using the adapter to the power socket and you are good to go.
Once you switch on the Offee device, students have to turn on Flight mode, then connect to “Offee” Network using the Wi-Fi settings on their device.
Ensure you have selected “Offee” from your wireless network list in your settings.
Yes, without flight mode students will not be able to start their Exams.
Offee can connect 60-80 concurrent students i.e. an entire classroom's strength.
Yes, you will be provided with a supervisor log-in ID in every classroom to track live student activity.
No, students will be disconnected from the outside world including no calls, no text as their device is on flight mode.
During the exam, students cannot open any applications on their own device, e.g. Gallery, Files, Documents etc as their activity is being monitored.
Yes, different students can have different exam in the same classroom-same device, respective student will only see their programmed Question paper.
Yes, questions as well as options both get randomly re-arranged based on our auto-intelligent algorithm.
Instantaneously, results are generated as soon as students end their respective test.
Supports all smartdevices with iOS version 5 or higher, Android version 2.3 or higher, web browser (Safari 5 or later, Google Chrome 13 or later).
Yes, we have a high level security including 256bit AES Encryption.